Bulletin print newspaper making comeback

Bulletin print newspaper making comeback

It has been five years since there has been a print newspaper at BHS. It was dropped due to budget cuts in 2010. Now this year, with the approval of administration, it has been brought back thanks to the efforts of Editor-in-Chief senior Kelsie Champagne and the journalism staff.

Q: Why was it decided to bring the newspaper back?

  • A: I think it is because not everyone has access to the online site.

Q: Has it been easy to format?

  • A: Starting it, not really, but once you did the first couple of pages it definitely got easier just cause the format is pretty simple. You just plug it in I guess.

Q: What all will be in the newspaper?

  • A: There is going to be a lot of news stories, like a recap on the Fall sports, a Winter preview, and then we’ll do fun stuff like Winter Formal How-To. And then we’ll have surveys and  Q&As and stuff.

Q: What do you think people’s reactions will be to having the newspaper back?

  • A: I think they’ll be kinda surprised to see it back in print and not just a magazine. I think they’ll be also kinda excited because we haven’t had one since 2009, so it will be interesting to bring it back.

Q: What are advantages and disadvantages of having the newspaper back?

  • A: I think the advantages are you can get a lot more information into the newspaper so you can have more content. Disadvantages are the number of issues we do are limited so we are only doing 4.

Q: When will the newspaper be out?

  • A: We are doing one in December, February, March or April and May.