Small town girl with big time goals
A small town with a small school might not seem like everyone’s cup of tea, but for BHS senior Emma-Kate Lang, it is the perfect fit.
“I’ve liked Baldwin a lot, I’ve gone to Baldwin my whole life,” Lang said.
Baldwin High School has a variety of students who enjoy different activities, sports, and clubs.
“Specifically in high school, I’ve enjoyed it the most because of all the activities and clubs you can be involved in, and the sports events you can attend. I just think it has a very warm environment that feels really welcoming,” Lang said.
A number of students are going to pursue progressive careers like Lang herself.
“After high school I am going to go to K-state in the fall where I plan to study pre-vet and hopefully-eventually I can go to vet school after that,” Lang said.
Going to veterinary school involves a lot of classes and time.
“So, the first four years of school will be a bachelor’s degree in pre-veterinary medicine, which also classifies as an animal science degree. Afterward, you have to get accepted into vet school, and if so that would be a doctorate of veterinary medicine,” Lang said.
BHS had a lot of school activities and sports that Lang participated in. BHS counselor Reggie Harris thinks she is a good asset to the school.
“I know she’s been a very vocal and avid member of STUCO, meaning all things student council, meaning all things prom. She has done a lot of sports, she’s done kind of a little bit of everything and that’s what you want,” Harris said.
You may say that high schoolers have a harder time having their grades up and putting in the effort to keep them up.
“I think Emma-Kate was persistent and determined to be successful, and she did everything that she could do to be successful,” Harris said. “She worked before school, communicated with teachers after school, and studied her tail off. She did all of the things that we hope you guys all do and all understand. Like how important work ethic is, especially when it comes to academics. Because for those who are athletes, you’re always going to be a student before you are an athlete and I think Emma-Kate embodies that perfectly.”
Lang has the perfect quality that many will look for in life, in terms of jobs or relationships. Sounds like we are going to miss Lang next year.