Seniors facing their fears after graduation

Common questions many seniors often are asked can be “what are your plans after high school?” “where are you going to school?” “Are you excited to graduated?” But the question that seems to get left out is what do you fear the most after graduating?

“I fear leaving my family,” senior Levi Green said, “ also having to worry about living on my own.”

Most seniors are given many opportunities to do things on their own and make their own choices, but at the end of the day their parents are still there to help them out on the things they can’t do. As their senior year is growing closer to an end, they are starting to face challenges in ways they never imagined.

“I have no fears after graduating,”  senior Jake Sultani said, “being scared of stuff is not beneficial. You just have to deal with what life gives you.”

Recently, 50 students were surveyed and they were asked what they fear the most after graduating. Of those students that were surveyed, 24% fear not having enough money and 20% of them fear living on their own or not succeeding in college. Of them, 16% have no fears after graduating. Of those student 10% fear that they aren’t going to make their parents proud. Another 10% have a fear that wasn’t listed in the survey.

“I fear financial situations,” senior Jeremyah Johnson said, “ and um not being as swole as Sultani.”