WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Joslyn juggles a hard major and soccer

WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Joslyn juggles a hard major and soccer

A hard major and playing a varsity sport for any college student is difficult but former BHS student Louis Joslyn is willing to take on the task.

Louis Joslyn graduated from Baldwin High School in 2012. He is now attending Simpson College in Iowa. He is currently a senior and a Mathematics and Computer Science major with a minor in Political Science.  

What are you going to school for?

  • “I am going to Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa. I am a Mathematics and Computer Science major with a minor in Political Science.”

When did you go to Italy and where at in Italy did you go?

  • Last May, I went to Italy as part of a ‘Mayterm Course’ at Simpson College.  In particular, we studied the merchants and business owners in Milan and Venice. Italy is a beautiful, conflicted country so it was quite the immersive experience to study the culture, traditions, art and business style of the Italians.”

What do you plan on doing after your senior year of college?

  • “After this year, I plan to attend graduate school in computational neuroscience. I love using the application of mathematics and computer science to investigate and explain biological phenomenon. Specifically, I enjoy studying the complexity of the brain. I wish to attend graduate school, obtain a doctorate degree, then enter the research industry.”

What did you enjoy during your time at Baldwin High School?

  • “I enjoyed many things during my time at Baldwin High School. I think what I’ll remember most though was the people. Teachers were always friendly and helpful, and I had a fairly tight-knit group of friends. Specifically, I’ll always remember the run we made in soccer–first team in the program to make it to State!”

Do you think Baldwin High has prepared you for college?

  • “Yes, Baldwin High School definitely prepared me for college. I transitioned seamlessly into the mathematics coursework at Simpson. However, I do wish I had taken more computer science courses in Baldwin High School. In fact, I wish they were offered at Baldwin. Computer Science is the education of the future, and I hope Baldwin becomes a front-runner in programming education.”

How difficult is college compared to high school?

  • “Undoubtedly, college is more difficult than high school. Perhaps the most difficult aspect concerns organization. College is filled with temptations and distractions. Prioritizing school, athletics, work and social life is important in order to be successful.”

What is the biggest challenge you have been through since you have left Baldwin High School?

  • “My biggest challenge since high school has been narrowing down my interests. I have always enjoyed and appreciated various fields and areas of study. Consequently, I struggled to determine what I was most interested in, as each course I took differentially challenged and intrigued me. As a result, I ended up pursuing an interdisciplinary field and career.”