Poaching ruins fun for hunters

Poaching ruins fun for hunters

The fact that people poach and give hunters a bad name really gets under my skin. It is very important to understand the differences between hunting and poaching. Poachers do it all to get their kicks and to get the biggest animal they can. The also hunt out of season, use smaller calibers than they should at least for deer. Most people that do hunt and everyone that I know that does follow the rules.

Just because there are these few idiots out there that do these things does not mean that it should be reflected upon the rest of us hunters.

I’m also fairly sure that there are even people in this school that do it. They’ll load up their 22s and go out and put like half a dozen shots into a deer and only wound it. I know that isn’t exactly poaching but that is just wrong. I mean what’s the fun if you don’t actually hunt and kill that deer, or any animal for that matter.

The reason there are limits on species during seasons is to prevent an over harvest of a population of animals and if you go out not in season and try and poach as many animals as possible you are screwing up their whole routine. Plus, you are ruining the fun for the rest of us who don’t in season and just get our limit and leave it at that.

All I ask is that you leave hunting to how it is supposed be and follow the regulations put in place for hunting.