ISIS should be destroyed

ISIS should be destroyed

What should be done about ISIS?

Personally, I think that they should be wiped from the face of the Earth. Whether it be by massive airstrikes, by that I mean something like carpet bombing, or having actual boots on the ground. The U.S. military has the capability of doing all this but is being restrained by poor choices and lollygagging by the Obama administration. I also believe that a reason for this indecisiveness is so that Obama can hand off this problem to the next President.

Now I do realize that American casualties are not wanted and I also do not want our troops to be killed but the fact that ISIS is massacring people by the thousands just because they do not like them and that can not be ignored. The fact is that taking them out can not just be done from the air and in every conflict there are casualties on both sides.

So if not for the fact that they have already beheaded two of our fellow Americans and plan to someday eventually carry out attacks against the homeland, back the idea of boots on the ground for the humanitarian purpose.

The President’s idea to arm the Free Syrians looks good on paper, but how do we know who is who and how do we know if by giving them these weapons that that will help defeat ISIS? Now another reason that we are not doing very much about ISIS is that the government also wants the Syrian regime to fall and ISIS is defeating them but I say that we should go after both of them because if we go after one and defeat them the other will rise up and take control. For this fight it should not just be America doing all the work it should also be other countries from Europe. Asia and the Middle East.

I say that we need to act now and to the full extent of our military capability and turn them into dust. Islam is supposed to be a peaceful religion and what ISIS is doing would not be condoned by any religion. They are only motivated by violence and power, something that should never be in religion.