Nevin Dunn


What got you into art?

“I’ve been a fan of art since I can remember. I’ve always enjoyed the subtle peace that it has brought me, as well as the outlet is has provided. I got very involved with art at the end of my sophomore year of high school, when I realized my potential and where art could take me. After that, I took AP art junior year and it was the most rewarding class of my life, and since then I just knew where my fate belonged.”

How old were you when you first started?

“I can remember coloring in random books with crayons when I was a child, as well as sitting down at my desk with copy paper and pencils in elementary school. It’s safe to say art has always been a part of my life.”

Are you self taught, or did you take classes/lessons?

“I would say a large portion of my artistic talent has been self taught. I study and practice on my own almost everyday. However, Mrs. Carlisle has been an unspeakable asset to my art, and she is an amazing teacher. She always finds a way to knock me down a peg and take it back to the basics, and make me realize that no matter where I am with art, I will always be learning and always be developing. Without her, I wouldn’t have the skills, aspirations, and opportunities I have today.”

What’s your favorite piece you’ve done?

My favorite piece is always a debate. One favorite is a small 7 inch by 11 inch oil painting I did recently of a girl holding a coffee mug. It’s very quaint, but has a particular energy to it, and I painted it in a single 7-hour sitting. Another one would be an even smaller (4×6) pen and marker drawing I did in my sketchbook as a part of a study. You’ll never know when you’ll make great art until it happens right in front of your eyes.

Where do you see art taking you?

I can see art taking me many places, but most importantly, happiness. I have a genuine passion for it, and as long as I’m out there in the world doing what I love, I’ll be happy. I’ve currently applied to Rhode Island School of Design, the oldest and one of the best art schools in the nation. RISD is my number one choice right now, and I would absolutely love to go there. However, I do have fallback schools which I’ve also applied to, such as Maryland Institute College of Art, Ringling College of Art and Design, and Kansas University. I have yet to hear back from my top three picks, because they are private art colleges, but I did recently get accepted into KU, and thinking about the future yields such an incredible feeling of optimism. When that happens, you know you’ve found you’re niche.