WHERE ARE THEY NOW: McDaniels loves working at school she once attended

WHERE ARE THEY NOW: McDaniels loves working at school she once attended

Many students know Stacy McDaniels, the BHS bookkeeper in the main office. She is an alumni of BHS, once roaming these very halls.

The staff at BHS appreciate her hard work.

“She does a great job for us,” principal Rob McKim said. “She’s a very hard worker. We’re lucky to have her.”

Q: When did you graduate?

  • A: 1988

Q: So, have you always lived in Baldwin?

  • A: Yes.

Q: And where did you go to college?

  • A: I didn’t.

Q: So what did you do after you graduated?

  • A: I went to work at a bank here in Baldwin.

Q: And then, when did you get hired on here?

  • A: In 2000.

Q: So, when did you know you wanted to start working here?

  • A: Well, when my kids were little, and I just knew that I would like to have a schedule like they did; when they were off in the summers, I wanted to be off, and, you know, for Christmas break and spring break, so, I decided that’d be a good thing for our family.

Q: And then, did you start out as secretary, or did you move up from a different job?

  • A: I started out, the very first thing I did for the district was drive a bus, and then I cooked a little bit in the kitchen at Marion Springs, and then I got the receptionist job out here, then I moved to attendance, and now here I am at bookkeeping.

Q: Do you have any advice for current students?

  • A: For current students, I would say go to college. Get some higher education and, you know, just, you may not know what you want to do right off the bat, right at the beginning, but, it’s kind of a cool thing to go to college and kind of, discover yourself while you’re there and see what it is you do want to do.

Q: If you could change anything about what you’ve done, what would it be?

  • A: I would go to college. I would. I would get a degree in something; not necessarily that that would mean that wouldn’t want this position here, because I really am very happy that I found this, but I just think it would’ve been a good experience, and more opportunities would be available for me.