Harvey Wins gold

State Wrestling is one of the most challenging and important things you can do during your wrestling career, But winning state is legendary. 

Jack Harvey won a state championship 6-4 over Ottawa to become the 11th state champion in BHS history.

BHS Kit Harris has been to the state many times and has been an amazing coach for the Baldwin wrestling team and Jack for his State win. 

“It was a great experience because a lot of kids wrestled very hard and it was their first time qualifying,” Harris said. “They got great experience and they are working to go back and wrestle again.”

Kit Harris was a recipient of the 2020-21 NFHS National Girls Wrestling Coach of the Year. He was also nominated Coach of the Year. 

“I love how it’s a really difficult sport and it’s really beneficial to kids to experience. You can gain a lot from it, you become super close and help your teammates with their struggles,” Harris said.

BHS Coach Jesse Austin was another coach that coached Jack to his state win. 

“My time at state was awesome as always,” BHS Wrestling Coach Jesse Austin said. “It’s an amazing experience to see kids that have worked their butts off to even make it there and say that they were one of the best 16 kids at their weight in the state.”

“My favorite part of boys state was seeing Jack win his state title, It’s a moment that I will never forget. I also really enjoyed getting to be around our coaching staff and hanging out with them,” Austin said.