Humans of BHS: Eliza Ruth

Humans of BHS: Eliza Ruth

“I decided to get my spiders because I thought they were really cool looking. It’s really fun to watch them eat. I have a passion for them, they’re really pretty to look at and really interesting to have a different kind of animal. We have a bunch of different kinds of them, there’s one called the green bottled blue, which have a bunch of different colors they’re green, blue, red and black. I have about 20 of them, and I keep them in my room just on a book shelf and some above my bed. It creeps my mom out, she absolutely hates them. She has nightmares about them. She had to move them into my room because she couldn’t have them in her room anymore; she’s too freaked out. We have two snakes, two geckos, a dog and two cats and I also have a bunny. I’ve never been bitten.”