How they struggle

The mentality of someone can be malleable and shaped and for one person who wants to rename anonymous, their mother shaped their head into a knife that would cut them in their sleep.

Plenty struggle with mental issues. This struggle is not something that goes away in one night either. It is a constant fighting of the demons in your head. For anon they battled with ghost lighting, abuse (sexual, and mental), and manipulation from a young age.

“This all started in 3rd grade,” anonymous said, “my mom and dad got into major fights and my mom was physically abusive towards my dad and brother…”

For anonymous to be so young and impressionable they did not know how to handle these matters. Anon was a prisoner in their own young mind and continues to be even in their high school years. Some may think you can just flip a switch and wash the pain away and be happy, but that is not it.

Anonymous wants everyone to know “you are not alone, it may seem like it but you really are not. You have teachers, friends, acquaintances and even family,” anonymous said.

As anonymous’ mom paid less attention and anon grew more unhappy, they and their mom decided she could move to be with her dad.

Anonymous is still in recovery and says “recovery is not linear, it will have its ups and downs,” and anonymous has been through all the ups and downs.

Anonymous, in honor of mental health awareness week agreed to share their story and wanted everyone to be aware that if you are going through the same it will get better. Anonymous thinks through their recovery they have proceeded to get increasingly better and every demon has become a smaller demon to fight.