BHS should have girls golf team

BHS should have girls golf team

Baldwin High School has many activities except for women’s golf. Golf is a very important sport to some people and it would be wonderful if BHS had a women’s golf team.

Baldwin has a golf course that would would easily be accessible for high school usage. Currently golf at Baldwin High School is available as an activity for people to get involved in, but it would be better if it were separated boys and girls.

Women’s golf and boys golf are both very different experiences. It’s easier for girls to be able to just golf with girls. If there were a girls golf team it may encourage more girls to go out for the sport. It also gives girls more opportunities to get scholarships because they wouldn’t be overshadowed by the boys.

There are many girls joining golf every year. BHS having a golf team may encourage more people that maybe don’t do a sport to join girls golf. It will give girls a chance to compete against just girls instead of boys. It would be a great opportunity for girls to see some of their competition and encourage them to work harder and get better.