How composting could change the planet

How composting could change the planet

Residential waste makes up 40% of compostable materials, according to This means we can eliminate up to 40% of waste if we begin to compost and become more aware of how much waste we produce. Composting not only helps our landfills, but Greenaction also states that composting reduces carbon dioxide and Greenhouse gases.

Landfills are piled up with so much waste that food can not decompose as it should because it is buried underneath so much waste. Composting can not only save the Earth, but it can save your water bill, says Greenaction. Composting can retain soil moisture, which means you do not have to water your plants as often.This reserves water for the Earth and saves your water bills.

Composting enriches your plants soil with healthy organic nutrients, so there is no need to use chemical fertilizers, according to Thisoriginalorganiclife. Reducing the amount of chemicals is important to keep our Earth as clean as possible.

Our planet is our future. If we learn to create new healthy habits we can give a new life to our planet. Composting is just one of the many things we can do to better ourselves and the planet. So, think to yourself before you open a plastic bottle, “is it worth it?”