Pen/paper….or electronics?

Schools should use more pen and paper because it has more benefits.

Schools should use more pen and paper because it has more benefits.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services American children spend about seven hours each day in front of some type of electronic. Do you really want your children spending that much time looking at screens?

According to Psychology Today, studies show that cognitive development in kids is delayed when they have extended exposure to electronic screens. There are many studies showing that screen time can cause permanent damage to brains that are still developing.

Using pen and paper has more benefits than looking at a screen. Writing, especially in cursive, triggers students creativity. It also uses more of your brain, and is a good cognitive exercise. It also engages motor-skills and memory. When students physically write something they are more likely to remember it than if they were to type it.

When students are taking notes on pen and paper they are less likely to get distracted. Technology can be very distracting, they have access to games.

When students are assigned homework to do online they have more of a chance of having troubles getting it done. If it is on paper they do not really have any reason for it to not be done by the due date. If they have to be online and their internet is not working they would not be able to do it. Electronics can also act up and create other difficulties. If it glitches or freezes it would be hard to finish all of you homework.