Why catcalling needs to stop

Why catcalling needs to stop

Is a whistle a problem? Is yelling at a girl walking in the hallways an issue?

Some guys might see it as a compliment, but for any girl who has had this happened to it is one of the worst experiences of high school. From a little whistle to grabbing a girl, sexual harassment at BHS needs to stop.

No girl should ever have to go through a school day with having to deal with boys catcalling her or grabbing at her. While this is not okay, it is also humiliating and exhausting. Not only is this an awful feeling but there are also the rumors that spread around the school and the girls and guys that mutter in the hallways as you pass the words “slut” and “whore”.

There should not be the assumption that when a girl is catcalled that she automatically is a bad person and should be bullied. People need to be more aware of what is happening around them and stop it when they see it.

According to US News, nearly half of high schoolers are sexually harassed at some point of their high school career.  

There needs to be more people who are open to talk about these kind of topics so they can be stopped. This serious problem should not be put down the drain. There needs to be more awareness so this serious problem can  be stopped.

Any and every female should no longer have to deal with sexual harassment in the modern day society.