Are iPads advantage or disadvantage?

Are iPads advantage or disadvantage?

iPads have arrived this year at Baldwin High School and it was a wonderful new for us, but is that a good idea? would this improve the students study way or would this make it worst? Each student has an ipad and we are expected to use it for have access to our account in My Big Campus, where we can look for information about our classes, we can check our assignments and stay in contact with the teachers. We also need the iPads in some classes like US History or Government where the students use an online book instead of the textbook.

But did anyone think that the ipads are the best way to distract the students? For us having an iPad in all of our classes means that we have access at any time to different games and social accounts such as Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. The teachers are constantly saying that we can not use the ipads for playing or chatting with friends but the students continue using the iPads for that. The teachers can not be checking if each of their students are working in their subject or if they are doing other stuff.

The iPads are really useful to look for information, to write papers and it makes more modern the way to study, that is really important for the students’ future. But all of this will succeeded just if the students use their iPads in a good way, and the truth is that they are not. You just have to walk round the classes to realize that the iPads are distracting them.

Many parents, teachers and the own students think that this year their grades are not as good as years ago and this could be because of the iPads.
To handle this situation, I think that it would be better if we would have some kind of rule, or if all this pages that make the students not paying attention were blocked during the school time.