The student news site of Baldwin High School, est. 1999

The Bulldog Bulletin

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The student news site of Baldwin High School, est. 1999

The Bulldog Bulletin

The student news site of Baldwin High School, est. 1999

The Bulldog Bulletin

10 most annoying social media trends

I have both a Twitter and Facebook account and I love them but there are certain trends that occur on social media that drive me insane.

1. Posting a picture with a caption about how “ugly” you are. Many teenage girls partake in this trend and it is obnoxious. Posting a picture and then writing a caption saying “I’m so ugly :(” is fishing for compliments and attention.

2. Know the difference between your and you’re. Knowing the difference between your and you’re is a skill students master in second or third grade. If elementary school kids can master this skill, so can the high school users of Twitter and Facebook.

3. Know the difference between there, their, and they’re. This is also an elementary school level skill that high school students should be able to handle.

4. Excessive use of hashtags. I love hashtags as much as the next Twitter user, but composing a tweet of just hashtags is a bit of an overkill.

5. “Selfies.” Taking a picture of yourself then posting it and saying “Selfie!!!!! :)” is pointless. Everyone knows it’s a picture of you and everyone knows what you look like so there is really no point for it.

6. Using Twitter or Facebook to call people out. Attacking someone from behind a computer is immature and cowardly. If you have a problem with a person you need to handle it maturely by calmly talking to the person not sharing it with the entire world of Facebook and Twitter.

7. Excessive re-tweeting. Re-tweeting is a fun feature on Twitter but if you re-tweet every single tweet you think is funny you blow up your followers’ timelines and it’s obnoxious. Instead of re-tweeting every tweet you like try favoriting some of them because favoriting a tweet doesn’t put it on everyone’s timeline.

8. Saying if a certain number of people “like” your status you will reveal personal information. Making your status “If 10 people like this I will answer these questions :)))” and the questions are who your crush is, your favorite song, your favorite movie, etc. is incredibly annoying. First of all, you probably shouldn’t be posting personal information on social media and secondly, outside of the people who liked the status generally no one cares what your answer to the questions are.

9. Posting your every move. If you are doing something out of the ordinary it is worth a tweet or post, but if you are doing an every day activity that everyone else does keep it to yourself. Eating a bagel for breakfast or brushing your teeth is not worth a tweet.

10. Using incorrect grammar during an intelligent argument. If you are participating in a heated discussion about an intellectual topic but use incorrect grammar it takes away from the credibility of your argument. If you want to partake in an intelligent argument that is fine, but make yourself look intelligent while doing so.