Substitutes at BHS

Having substitute teachers is a common occurrence at schools, including BHS. Especially in the winter months with so many illnesses and viruses going around. 

Some may wonder how substitute teachers feel about subbing at BHS. Kathleen Sigvaldson has been a substitute teacher at BHS for three years. 

“I like being back where I used to teach and I enjoy meeting new young people,” Sigvaldson said. 

There are many benefits to being a substitute teacher. Sigvaldson has a favorite attribute about substitute teaching. 

“Getting to interact with the highschool students and faculty,” Sigvaldson said. 

Having substitute teachers is also an adjustment for the students at BHS.

Having supportive and encouraging substitute teachers can help make class without students’ everyday teachers easier. BHS freshman Arianna Crowe said she likes substitute teachers. 

“That are nice, kind, respectful,” Crowe said. 

Substitute teachers are also important to the teachers at BHS. Teachers trust the substitutes to do a good job keeping their classes on track and helping students. 

“It’s really nice to have people we can count on to do what we write in our sub plans and take care of our kiddos when we’re gone,” World History teacher Grant Bachura said.