Fresh new look for BHS teacher’s lounge


The Baldwin High School teachers lounge has not been renovated this much until now.

“It’s a lot brighter and cleaner,” French teacher Karen Moreau. “This lounge hasn’t changed since this building was constructed originally.”

The Family and Consumer Sciences class decorated the teachers lounge a little after we moved into the building.

“We renovated the lounge with the funds leftover in our account and got a few new tables, 10 chairs to go around, a new love seat, and a new coffee bar,” Principal Brant Brittingham said.

“About 10 years ago, the teachers made enough money working at Thomas the Tank to buy a new refrigerator, microwave, and a small freezer,” Moreau said.

This allows our teachers to feel more welcomed and excited to go into the lounge and feel excited about the day.

“This is the first ‘redecorating’ in almost 25 years,” Moreau said.

During these difficult times of COVID-19 the new teachers lounge allowed everyone to feel welcomed and brought a light to the teachers day. Allowing the teachers to be in a better mood and happier also benefits the students and brightens their days. 

“I walked in one day and was surprised by the new refreshing teachers lounge renovations,” teacher Kit Harris said. “The teachers lounge has never changed this much and I’ve worked here for 20 years. I was happily surprised by the new changes. It looks great.”

The administration welcomed the idea of renovating the teacher lounge.

“This was all Principal Brittingham’s idea, but us secretaries did end up helping with the ideas. We painted a new wall to brighten it up and freshened the window seals because they were outdated, along with the furniture,” secretary Jeanie Brittingham said.