Too cold for school?


Brooke Peterson

Snow fall on the trees on the sides of the road by a Baldwin City hill.

Six snow days later, and winter still does not show any signs of stopping. According to AccuWeather, just last year in March the average high temperatures ranged from 44 to 78 degrees. This winter has been bitterly frigid, with high temperatures as low as 13 degrees.

Teacher Ms. Bailey said, “Even though students and teachers enjoy an occasional day off, it can be difficult to get all the material students are required to learn taught in less days.”

Baldwin schools typically have only a couple snow days per year, but this winter has had one of the coldest temperatures and most amounts of snow yet.

Superintendent Paul Dorathy said, “The state requires a minimum of 1116 hours of student contact time but we are normally (no snow days) scheduled for 1168.5 hours.” This means Baldwin High School has an extra 52.5 hours built into the school year; or slightly over seven days.

Baldwin schools have had six snow days so far, and if there are many more this year, minutes or days may be added into the schedule to make up days.

Many students have differing opinions on snow days. Freshman Charlize Barth said, “I prefer going to school because I can see my friends instead of being stuck at home.”

However, junior Kaitlynn Bono said, “I have enjoyed having time off, but I have not liked having to learn different things without class time.”

Overall, Mr. Dorathy said when determining whether or not to cancel school, “I am to consider the safety of students, parents, and staff and err on the side of safety.”

This winter has caused multiple wrecks among students from icy road conditions. Many buses have also slid into ditches trying to make it to school. Luckily, there have not been many serious injuries from the weather conditions.

Overall, students should prepare to have more cold or snow days this year. So far, we have not gone under the required amount of time at school. However, too many more snow days may result in having to make up days or minutes at school.