Class of 2016 ready for final year

Seniors Austin Ward, Brendan Owings, and Madeline Nuefeld supporting the Football Team at KC Piper.

Seniors Austin Ward, Brendan Owings, and Madeline Nuefeld supporting the Football Team at KC Piper.

After 12 years of school the seniors are finally ready to graduate. On May 14, 108 seniors will head off to live their lives past the halls of BHS.

“I’m interested in Emporia State, K-State, and KU but my main choice is probably Emporia. I want to go into nursing,” senior Emma Burnett said.

Many of the seniors won’t be doing sports. Since a lot of the seniors will be pursuing harder careers they will have to take harder classes and more classes. Some students, such as senior Austin Ward, will just be doing intramurals.

“I’ll be doing intramurals, but no official sports teams,” Austin Ward said.

The parents think that their children will be ready for college. They are nervous about having their kids leaving, and making sure they have everything they need for college. Many of the parents, such as Lori Ward, have already had children graduate so they are prepared for all the emotions and how hard it will be.

“I already had one kid graduate and go off to college and it was rough for me, and I think it will be exactly the same when my little baby will leave as well,” Lori Ward said. “I will cry and I will be sad but I will be most proud of my youngest son who is making strides to the real world.”

Unlike Lori Ward, some parents haven’t had any children graduate and this will be their first child to go. Most parents, such as Nikki Burnett, think their child will be ready for college but they think it will be harder on their siblings.

“I think she’s gonna be ready and I’m gonna miss her,” Nikki Burnett said. “What I really struggle with is that I think her sister is going to miss her, but I think for me we’ll be fine, were close but she’s ready to go.”

The counselors and teachers have a lot of advice for the seniors. They should make the best of their last year, get their work done, and don’t procrastinate.

“Don’t procrastinate, and come see your counselor,” counselor Autumn Weiss said.