BHS senior Jennifer Eberhart makes unique plans for after graduation

As May is approaching seniors are finalizing their decisions on what they want to do after graduation. 

When it comes time to choose college majors the most common majors students choose are business or health related programs. However BHS Senior Jennifer Eberhart is choosing a different path. 

Eberhart plans to major in biology and minor in forestry.

Eberhart plans to attend Kansas University in Lawrence, Kansas. 

There are many careers that can be pursued through a biology degree. 

Some of the careers graduates can pursue with a biology degree are health management, genetic engineering, environmental sustainability, and disease control and prevention.

Eberhart has been interested in biology and science for years. 

“I’m taking college bio this year and I really like biology,” Eberhart said. “I took environmental science last year, and that’s how I got interested in forestry.”

A biology degree entails understanding of biological organization, including molecules, microbes, species, and ecosystems. A forestry degree combines many aspects of environmental conservation and management. 

Combined, these two fields of study set Eberhart up for the career she plans to pursue. 

Eberhart has a certain field in mind for after graduating college. After graduation Eberhart plans on working for a national or state park to work with biology and do research.

“Something to do with conservation, but I’m not completely sure quite yet what my dream job would be,” Eberhart said. 

Eberhart is looking forward to college and all the opportunities that come with it.

“I’m really excited to do research in college,” Eberhart said. “And maybe trying to do foreign studies, like going to another country.” 

Although there are challenges to taking more advanced classes in highschool. Eberhart took college biology this year.

“The genetics unit was really difficult,” Eberhart said. 

Eberhart, like many seniors, is looking forward to what the future holds for after graduation.