Humans of BHS: Autumn Weiss


“My first major at KU was architecture with a minor in art. That was the first time I’ve ever taken a ceramics class and thrown on a wheel. I feel in love with it right then and there. I started about 10 years ago when I would rent studio space in Lawrence. I also took classes early on to get better on the wheel. I am currently working on and about to finish a piece that I’m going to enter into the Itty Bitty Art Show at the Lumber Yard Art Center. I always get really nervous because one time I had a teacher tell me to more you love it, the more likely it is to get broken. It’s been a lot of trial and error. I’ve never thrown anything that tiny before, so it was a lot of hard work. My favorite thing to make is big bowls. For as long as I’ve done it I still struggle with making a really big bowl which is why it’s my favorite because it’s challenging. I really enjoy going down to the art room and seeing everything their working on and how excited they get when they get on the wheel.”