HUMANS OF BHS: Judah Olson


“I have been playing and learning chess for about ten years. I started when I was three or four years old. I really enjoy winning… it’s having such a difficult game and finally mastering the position and being done with the game, it is very satisfying. My favorite part is how easily you can lose. I have played in a lot of tournaments. Each player has thirty minutes per side so about hour long games. Sometimes I play little three minute games. My least favorite part is when I dont think and make a really dumb move that totally loses the game when i had it under control.  Don’t quit for a while, it doesn’t help you. You need to play constantly if you want to become good. You need to do a lot for a long time. Even if you lose a game, every single game of chess is different, that’s the beauty of it. There are so many possibilities for a chess game.”