Homework load should be decreased


If you are a high school student in America, there is a high chance that you do not enjoy homework. USA is one of the countries ranked highest in amount of hours of homework assigned. Currently USA is ranked 17th in educational performance, while countries like Finland and South Korea are ranked number 1 and 2. One can only imagine all the homework that the students who go there have to complete, right?

Turns out to be not so right. Despite being ranked the number one country in the world for education, the priority at the top of their list is to give students less homework. According to Business Insider, the Finland school system has shorter school days, long vacations, and only 2.8 hours of homework a week, while schools in the U.S. assign 6 hours of homework per week. Business Insider said, “Finns place a lot of value on free time and play. By law, teachers must give students a 15-minute break for every 45 minutes of instruction.”

So how does Finland get anything done? They let the students experience the world for themselves. Finland prides itself on letting student learn things on their own and letting them discover who they are without worrying them with lots of school work. On the other hand, despite being ranked 17th in the world for education, the U.S. places first in spending the most money on education per student. So not only is what being taught not working, it also costs more here in America than anywhere else.In America it is not uncommon for a student to graduate high school and just find a job and quit pursuing education after high school since college tuition is extremely expensive in the U.S. According to Business Insider, “Students pursue higher education goals without the mountains of student loan debt that many American students face. And the same goes for foreign students. Tuition is free for any student accepted into a college or graduate program in Finland.