Rising BHS forensics team is having a successful season

Lights! Camera! Action!


The BHS forensics team is succeeding more than ever before at tournaments this year. With more than eleven state qualifications, three sweepstakes awards, and tons of medals, the team has not had this much success in years. The team has changed, so what has made them so successful?


“The numbers,” junior Maiya Evans said, “more people to support you and more advice to take into consideration. Your personal success is a success for the team.”


There has been a lot of personal success that proved Evans correct, because the team has had many qualifications for the state tournament.


“I am qualified in HSA (humorous solo acting),” freshman Devin Prather said, “for ‘Your Mother’s Butt.’”


Prather is not alone in his success as many other of his fellow teammates have had an amazing season so far. Ella Mozier (double qualified), Evans (double qualified), Jalynn Murry (triple qualified), Atticus Feldt (single qualified), Riley Galvan (single qualified), Prather (single qualified), and Kaitlynn Bono (double qualified) have all made tremendous advances this year.

Not a lot of people know much about the crazy forensics kids who talk to walls, but they are all around us. With the diversity in the team this year they have been able to win a lot as a team.


“We have a way bigger team than last year as well as more different numbers between grades. With these numbers we are able to compete better as a team and win tournaments,” Evans said.


With two tournaments left before the state tournament the team is taking strides toward success as the season comes to a close.